
Dr. Kevin Sadati

Facial Plastic surgeon

About Me

Dr. Kevin Sadati stands out as a distinguished authority in facial plastic surgery, with his career centered in the vibrant coastal city of Newport Beach, California. Over the last two decades, he has carved a niche in facial rejuvenation, blending his extensive medical expertise with an innate artistic sensibility. His innovative Deep Plane Facelift and Preservation Facelift techniques have revolutionized aesthetic surgery, yielding natural, long-lasting results.

His excellence in the field has been acknowledged through numerous accolades, including being repeatedly named "Best Aesthetic Doctor" and "Best Cosmetic Surgeon" by OC Register voters, a testament to his standing among peers and patients. His impressive track record of over 5000 facelift surgeries not only highlights his skill but also marks him as a pioneer in the field of facial plastic surgery. His AAAHC-accredited clinic in Newport Beach reflects his unwavering commitment to safety, patient comfort, and the highest aesthetic standards.

Beyond his clinical accomplishments, he is an influential voice in the academic sphere of plastic surgery, regularly contributing his insights and groundbreaking techniques at prestigious international conferences. His dedication to humanitarian efforts is also notable, with significant involvement in medical missions and initiatives to improve healthcare in underserved areas.

His approach to surgery is deeply influenced by his background in fine arts, bringing a unique artistic perspective to his work. This creative passion extends to his personal life, where he enjoys painting and sculpting. An avid outdoor enthusiast, he enjoys mountain biking and snowboarding, finding these activities to balance his professional life perfectly. His love for travel provides personal enrichment and enhances his professional outlook.

Looking ahead, Dr. Sadati's role as a luminary in facial plastic surgery remains paramount. His upcoming presentations at key medical symposiums are set to reinforce his influence in the field further, continuing to push the boundaries of aesthetic medicine with a unique combination of innovative surgical skills and artistic vision.

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Dr. Kevin Sadati

Recent News

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